West Deeping Heritage Group, formed in 2011, has
- a programme of talks by visiting speakers. The group meets in West Deeping Village Hall once a month between September and March, with an Annual General Meeting in April or May. Meetings are normally on a Tuesday, at 2 for 2.30 pm or 7 for 7.30 pm. Admission £3 on the door, with refreshments included in the price. Dates and details are advertised in Towers and Spires, the Stamford Mercury, via other local community media and organisations and on the Programme page of the group's own website.
- a website - https://wdheritage.
wordpress.com - includes information about the village's heritage including its buildings, family history and commemoration of the First World War. A substantial section covers information about the former Welland Navigation also known as the Stamford Canal. - an Archaeological Outreach programme in collaboration with Breedon Quarries, with visits (by appointment) to the local gravel extraction site.
- occasional projects for volunteers, for example to work on transcribing and interpreting village archives.
Email contact: wdheritage@hotmail.co.uk